Convergent Thinking vs. Divergent Thinking: Everything you need to know

There are two types of thinking involved in project management. You can either go for convergent thinking or divergent thinking. Both are effective in many ways, which means both of the processes can be very helpful for your project.  The basic things you need to know about them will be mentioned in the following article.

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Project management is very easy for those who know how to handle it well. There are many ways you can make your project successful in front of your team members and the whole organization. However, there are specific skills you need to know before signing up for being a project manager. 

First of all, you have to know about all the procedures that need to be done within a project.  

You can be a great project manager if you know how to tackle the problems you can face during project management. It is also important to use the correct methodology depending upon the sensitivity of the project. 

You have to meet deadlines and provide the organization with everything they need to see in the project. You should also be prepared for the risks that can be faced during the project or even after completing it.  

It is important to gather a team with whom you can work effectively. As a project manager, you should know every person's skill which will make it easy for you to assign the work. Now the most important thing is to have to think about your project. 

It will lead your project in the direction of your choice. Mostly there are two types of thinking involved in project management. You can either go for convergent thinking or divergent thinking. Both are effective in many ways, which means both of the processes can be very helpful for your project. 

 You have to keep in mind which type of thinking will go well with your project so that it can be managed well. 

The important thing is that you should know the difference between convergent and divergent thinking so that it is easy for you to figure out which one you should go for. You should know the drawbacks and advantages of both of the thinking so that you can choose wisely for yourself. All you need is a piece of descriptive information about divergent and convergent thinking. 

Convergent Thinking vs. Divergent Thinking: Everything you need to know

It is important to understand the difference between divergent and convergent thinking. This can help you a lot with your project management and also solve most of your problems that they faced in organizations due to projects. 

We will discuss some of the common things you need to know about convergent and divergent thinking. It will make your work easy, and eventually, you can become one of the best project managers in your organization. 

So, let’s move to Convergent Thinking vs. Divergent Thinking comparison.

What is divergent thinking?

Divergent thinking is the type of approach in which you have to come up with new ideas and solutions. 

New ideas and facing challenges 

In divergent thinking, you face challenges that are risky to go for; however, you have to take them in order to come up with something innovative and new. You can come up with different ideas that are not tried before. Divergent thinking is more like breaking stereotypes. 

Innovative and productive for the organizations 

In most organizations, people do not like the idea of divergent thinking, as something new is always a threat to the human mind. However, it can be very productive for the organization if you know how to take it in the right direction.

In divergent thinking, you have to come up with ideas without judgment or thinking. It is more like following your gut feeling rather than the logic. Divergent thinking is not often discussed with other members of the organization unless it is in a solid form that has a result.  

Follow your instincts 

It is not important that your divergent thinking can always be successful. However, It is one of the effective ways that has helped many organizations to emerge as new. It needs a lot of courage and surety to think divergently because if the land failed it is very likely that you will have to face the consequences. 

Not without the risk of failure 

The failure of the plan will be all upon the project manager, which is why you should be very sure before coming up with any new idea. Most people say that if there is no risk, there is no gain. However, you should still be sure about your instincts, as great projects can be a source of profit and loss for any organization. You can also come up with divergent thinking after having all your team members that are involved in your project management.  

Work in a group or individually 

You can ask each of the members to come up with a suggestion or idea that is new and without any rules or adjustment. Every person thinks differently, and they have a different perspective of things. It will help you a lot with your project management because eventually, you will need a solution that will be innovative and effective for project management.  

Different ideas combined 

It is upon you to go for teamwork what does it individually, but it is of no doubt that working in a team is always beneficial. If more than one human brain is thinking about a specific situation, you can likely come up with great ideas that can be combined for the production of something new. 

So, this was the first part for the discussion of Convergent Thinking vs. Divergent Thinking.

What is convergent thinking?

Talking about Convergent Thinking vs. Divergent Thinking we need to discuss both terms in detail.  Convergent thinking is the opposite of divergent thinking. In convergent thinking, you have to think a lot about the idea you are going to present. 

Includes judgment and opinion 

 You have to discuss the ideas on the greater platform so that everyone can judge the consequence of the idea. It is also important to consider the drawbacks and things you can face during project management. Conversion thinking is mostly considered safe within the organization because it is the idea of playing safe.  

Discussing on a wide platform

Even if you come up with new ideas, you cannot start working on them without getting them discussed and having the proper judgment and opinion of everyone. Most organizations go for convergent thinking, but it can get very boring sometimes. In order to create something new that makes you stand out among all others requires courage and trust in your skills. Convergent thinking is not the name of taking risks. 

Think of ways that can save you from failure 

 In convergent thinking, you think of the ways which can save you from the risk of failing the idea. For most people, conversion thinking is appealing because the human mind feels safe and something it knows already. You can go for convergent thinking if you are a new project manager because it will involve everyone in the organization to present an opinion on your idea.   

Recommended for new project managers 

This type of thinking can keep you safe from a lot of consequences, in you can also make your place in any organization within no time. Once you feel comfortable and welcomed into the organization, you can also go for divergent thinking.  

Sorted out plan 

Convergent thinking is like a proper plan that has all things sorted out in it. You have to discuss your ideas with more than enough people so that you are so about it.

 You have to keep in mind all the consequences you can face and how you should deal with them. You also have to come up with solutions to the problems that can arise after the implementation of the project. Convergent thinking is more like thinking inside the box. You have to keep everything in mind and be very vigilant about making a plan after thinking about everything convergent.

Now, let’s move to final choice of Convergent Thinking vs. Divergent Thinking discussion.

How to know which one you should go for?

Many factors can affect the idea of going for divergent or conversion thinking. You have to keep a lot of things in your mind before choosing the correct type of thinking methodology for your project management. 

1. Situation and severity of the project

The first thing you need to consider is what the project is about and what influence it has on the organization is. If you think that you can go for new ideas without damaging the organization in any way, you should go for divergent thinking. However, if the organization depends too much on the success of the project you have in hands, you should go for conversion thinking for a better approach and more chance of success. 

2. It depends on your personality

Some people think they can work well on your ideas because it put them in a situation of being creative and productive. If you know you can trust your idea, it is best to go for divergent thinking. 

However, you should also consider convergent thinking at some point because too much divergent thinking will lead to it's nothing. There will only be risks and no solution for it. You have to know how to keep the balance between both of the thinking’s in order to come up with a great project management plan. 

Final Remarks:

It is very important to think correctly while managing any project. You have to consider the idea of proper thinking for solving any project. The basic things you need to know about Convergent Thinking vs. Divergent Thinking are mentioned in detail. 

You should check your priorities and also the type of project you are handling. If you know how to keep a balance between divergent and convergent thinking, no one can stop you from becoming the best-known project manager in your organization.

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