Everything you need to know about Different Types of Communication Styles

We all do not use the same communication style, or even you can say we do not use the same communication style, but we shuffle from one style to other depending upon the situation. It is important to learn about all communication styles, especially for the business to develop healthy relationships with our clients and our colleagues

Andres Rodriguez

Chief Marketing Officer

We all do not use the same communication style, or even you can say we do not use the same communication style, but we shuffle from one style to other depending upon the situation. It is important to learn about all communication styles, especially for the business to develop healthy relationships with the clients. Not all communication styles are good, as some styles let you be disrespectful to others and adopt a mean approach.

All you need to know about different types of communication styles

While adopting any communication style, we must be careful about consideration and courage. We should neither harm others' respect nor ours.

Why do we need to learn about communication styles?

First, you should observe what kind of communication style you use and decide whether you should continue this style or shuffle to other styles. The root reasons behind the question you should learn about different communication styles are the following.

To make your teammates understand your point of view.

When working in an office, especially when you are leading your team as a manager, you should be conscious about the selection of communication style. You should have an idea of what communication style you should choose to make your teammates understand your point of view.

It does not depend upon the listener whether he is doing effective listening or not, but it depends on the speaker too. The speaker should choose the right communication style so the listeners can receive the core ideas behind the words.

To build good relationships with family and at the workplace.

By learning about communication style, you also learn how to be respectful and courageous, both of the same types, by choosing the right style. Words have the power to console and depress others. So, while communicating with any person at home or the workplace, keep your words neutral and behave well, and do empathic listening while speaking. Your communication styles make or break your relationships at home and the workplace.

Different communication styles

Following are the communication styles you need to know about and adopt one of the most effective styles that can maintain the limits and allow you to be respectful to others.

Passive communication style

The passive communication style is all about insecurities and passive-aggressiveness. People who adopt this communication style usually do not express their opinions clearly and easily agree with other teammates' points. But inside, they do not agree with their teammates, and they become indirectly aggressive, usually in their absence. Such people do not have the power to decide and can't refuse others' opinions even when they know these are unacceptable.

During passive communication, people pretend to consider others' ideas and pinion but do not dare to say no to them. They do not face others' opinions but find time to gossip about them in their absence and speak foul. This passive-aggressive communication style is neither good for the person's mental health nor social relations. They are playing with people by masking their actual faces and presenting the fact that they think others would appreciate. They speak sweet and kind, but inside they are hiding their grudges.

This communication style is not good for the person adopting it, and for other people he is using this style. You cannot mask the truth longer, one day, it will reveal, and every person will know you are real. After this, even if you try to be sincere with someone, they think you are pretending and trying to take advantage of them.

Submissive communication style

This communication skill is somehow good for building relationships with others, but it can ruin your respect and courage zone. The people who use a submissive communication style prefer others' needs while neglecting their own. They focus on bringing up the things that others what and expect to have and sacrifice for their needs.

They are not confident about their needs and do not focus on the strategies to satisfy them as they think it is a mean behaviour. They do not know the limits between self-negligence and mean behaviour. They always feel sorry for not being there for others and fulfilling their needs even when they were not responsible.

Such people suppress their desires and want as they do not express their needs and what they want from their personal or professional relations. They always keep trying to satisfy others by ensuring their availability to others always. They offer others to take advantage of them all the time as others know this person will scarify his need but will get mine.

Aggressive communication style

This communication style is opposite to the submissive style, as the person who adopts this style will never understand what others want. Such people think they are much more important than others. Aggressive communication includes a self-centred approach in which an individual only thinks about his win while pushing other people behind.

Such people think only they are the living being and have emotions and do not think about other people. They think only they have the right to win by adopting a win-lose approach with their colleagues. They will blame others for their failures and even cross the limits to achieve their goals.

Such people disrespect others, use bad language or do bullying to achieve their goals successfully while ruining the others' hard work by foul planning.

Assertive communication style

Assertive communication style is of the most advantage over all other styles as it keeps the balance between courage and consideration. The person adopting this style will never let others hurt him and demotivate or push him back while not allowing him to achieve his goal. Such persons respectfully say no to the people trying to occupy their space. They give a shut-up call to bullying in a respectful manner.

This communication style encourages people to achieve their goals without impacting others' peace and respect. They do not hurt others but stay firm towards their goal. They keep the balance between their and others' needs but do not allow others to take advantage of them. They set limits with other people and let them know by their actions and words, telling them they do not allow them to cross the limits. Such people do not use the blame game and let other people conserve their rights.

Manipulative communication style

Manipulative communication style is another kind of selfish communication in which the person employs dramatic situations but does not reveal the essence. Such people try to take advantage of others by manipulating the stories by knitting the words net. They use high pitch and speed of sound while communicating with others. Such people have a plan behind the scenes and cause other people guilt, but in the end, they go through the same situation. They tried to fix things but couldn't.

Direct communication style

Direct communication style involves straightforward words and body language while speaking to others. A person who adopts this kind of communication style will convey a direct message by using any kind of tone, either harsh or polite. In this communication style, the person adopts gradual changes; sometimes, it is a good way to let others know what you want and expect from their work.

Indirect communication style

This communication style is not positive and good for the workplace or home relations. In this style, people will never let others know what they want and how they will get it. They just shared some information to let their task complete on time and get things done in their favor. This is also a mean and win-lose approach.

Which communication style is best for us and why?

If we compare all communication styles, the assertive style is the best in which people chase their goals and have the power to achieve them without letting others hurt by their actions. Such people consider their and others’ needs. Here are a few points supporting the assertive communication style proving it best than all other styles.

·  It is an effective communication style.

By adopting this style, people do not forget their life goals, but they keep focusing on things to achieve their goals without hurting others.

·  You are helping others.

When you adopt this communication style, you are supporting others as you dare to say the right things at the right time that can support others.

·  It is good for mental health.

By adopting this style, you are not regretting doing bad to anyone or yourself so that it will bring you peace of mind.

·  It is good for social advantage.

As you are not taking advantage of others to achieve your goals, people will appreciate your communication style and build good relations with you.

·  You create a healthy mutual boundary for others.

You set the boundaries to maintain your self-esteem, and people recognize it. They will never try to cross these limits and will think about the consequences before doing so.


Communication styles are how we behave in society to get our goals, and it depends on us what style we adopt.

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