Instagantt University
Critical Path: Learn How to Prioritize Your Tasks

Critical Path

Being a project manager means that, sometimes, you need a little extra help to understand where and when to focus and how you should be prioritizing your time, effort and resources, and that’s quite alright. You can rest assured that Instagantt has that covered to help you achieve just that with our Critical Path feature for gantt charts.

First, start by defining your project and listing and naming your tasks and subtasks. Now, once your project is all mapped out, the Critical Path feature will highlight the chain of tasks that would affect the end date of your project. It won't just mark any path, it will mark the one that is linked to the last chronological task of your project.By enabling it, the Critical Path option analyzes the last task of your project and continues through its predecessor tasks.

To see it in action, click on the new “Critical Path” button on the top toolbar and scroll to the last task of your project. Voilá! See the highlighting in action. 

Critical Path is particularly helpful when managing large projects since it allows you to understand which particular tasks and subtasks need your attention and focus the most.

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