Instagantt University
What Are Sections and Why Do They Benefit Your Projects


Projects are usually divided into different stages of work. And Sections are a clean, organized way to divide your projects into those specific stages. Let’s say you are currently managing a new website development project. It would make sense to divide your project into sprints. Essentially, your sprints will be your sections, and you would name them “Sprint 1”, Sprint 2”, and “Sprint 3”. This is how sections work.

The best thing about Sections is that they're a great way to organize your work. In Instagantt sections reflect the data from the tasks they contain, so you can easily check the total Estimated Hours, Cost for the Section and even see the duration and date range of all the tasks it contains! Way to go, right?

Instagantt allows you easily create new sections, edit them and move them around to fit your needs. In order to move the order of your sections, simply click on the icon and proceed to drag them across the list:

Create Sections

By default, all new projects come with one default section named Section 1. You can add more sections by clicking on the button "Add Section" below that first section.
You can even change the name of the sections!

Move Sections

Sometimes you may need to move a section that's placed in a not-so-ideal position. Good news is that, in Instagantt, you can easily do it! Head to the three bars located to the left of the name of the section, click on them and reposition your sections however you'd like. Easy, don't you think?