Instagantt University
How to Invite Team Members to Your Workbook

Inviting Team Members

How to Invite Team Members - Standalone Version

So you’ve heard the phrase “communication is key” before. Right? Well, this time, it couldn’t be truer. Managing a project requires excellent communication skills. But lucky for you, Instagantt takes care of communicating the important stuff to your team.

First, you must invite everyone involved in your project. 

There are three simple ways to invite team members and start collaborating:

  1. Head over to the Invite link located on the top right side of your screen. 

Invite link

  1. Select the workbook you want to invite people to, and click Workbook Settings > Members. Enter the person’s name and email address, and select Create.


  1. Select the workbook you want to invite people to, and click Team > Members. Enter the person’s name and email address, and select Create.

Invite team members

Now, you’ll be able to assign tasks to your new team members.

Your new team members will receive an email, inviting them to collaborate in your workbook and to join your projects.

Watch the Video:

How to Invite Team Members - Asana Version

In order to invite a new member to join and view your Gantt chart, you must first invite them to join your Asana project.

Find the project you wish to invite your team members to, and head over to the + sign located at the top right corner of Asana.

Select Invite from the drop-down menu and type the email address of your team members. Once you click on Invite, your teammates will receive an email that gives them access to this team. They will now be able to access your Gantt chart and collaborate in your project.

Invite Asana